Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is based on research that shows that the way we think about a situation influences how we feel and behave in our lives.
Because our brain 'soft wires' information that we absorb about the world from the moment that we are born, we may not actually be conscious of the beliefs and attitudes that shape our feelings and behaviour. Many of our beliefs about the world formed when we were children, before our brain was fully developed, and long before we had a full understanding of what was occurring around us. Depending on the circumstances of our lives, we develop ‘core beliefs’ about ourselves that are not necessarily true, but which made sense to our little brains at the time.
Our thoughts can also be strongly influenced by the prevailing attitude of our family, culture or society, or on the basis of experiences that are unique to us. Some of those beliefs may have been true in in the past, but are no longer relevant in our present lives.
And all of this material can still be influencing our lives.
Cognitive science has shown that over time, our thoughts can become 'automatic', arising again and again in certain situations, without our conscious awareness. It’s possible that we simply believe the thoughts that are occurring in our minds, as if they were 'facts' - rather than evaluating whether these ‘habits of mind’ are accurate or relevant in the present moment.
CBT helps us notice thoughts, feelings and behaviours that we may or may not be conscious of, and look at them as if we were an objective, compassionate bystander. We can then begin to ask ourselves questions like; What feelings come up when I think this way? How do I tend to respond (act) or relate to myself and others when I think/feel like this? What circumstances in my life might have created these thoughts and attitudes? Are these patterns helpful and supportive for me in the present?
Research has shown CBT to be a highly effective intervention for problems such as depression, panic, anxiety, phobias and many other psychological difficulties. At Botanic psychology we integrate CBT with other research findings.